November 16, 2009


My mind has changed about this band heavily within the last few months, first time i heard this band i played with them on there way back from south by southwest. Their sound was dry and tired, nothing to compare to all the internet talk that i had heard from months before. Last august while on tour in Sacramento almost all of the members were there. Our keyboardist was hanging out alot with one of them and he seemed like a pretty sweet dude, only a couple minutes into the night did i find that one of the members had an AFI tattoo for totalimortal, which is pretty sick. He seemed kind of embarrassed about it when i brought it up but I quickly let him know it was very alright. Anyways, i got back from my trip heavily inclined to give this band a second chance and im glad i did. This bands output/quality ratio is one to be admired.

They had something come out within one of the last batches from Indie label juggernaut captured tracks, it is probably worth buying

Ganglians Live at Morin Studios from TERROREYES.TV on Vimeo.

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